Earth Quotes

Text Quotes
When wireless is fully applied the earth will be converted into a huge brain, capable of response in every one of its parts (Earth Quotes)
There is not a thing on the face of the earth that I abhor so much as idleness or idle people (Earth Quotes)
Our lives are at once ordinary and mythical. At the same instant we have these magnificent hearts that pump through all sorrow and all winters we are alive on the earth (Earth Quotes)
I wasn’t put on this earth to amass money or personal wealth. I was put on this earth to play guitar and write songs (Earth Quotes)
At most, you will live a hundred years on earth, but you will spend forever in eternity (Earth Quotes)
The man who loves his wife above all else on earth gains the freedom and power to pursue other noble, but lesser, loves (Earth Quotes)
The decisions that you make and the actions that you take upon the earth are the means by which you evolve (Earth Quotes)
Warren is one of the best learning machines on this earth. The turtles who outrun the hares are learning machines. If you stop learning in this world, the world rushes right by you (Earth Quotes)
Sow a seed and the earth will yield you a flower. Dream your dream to the sky and it will bring you your beloved (Earth Quotes)
In light of heaven, the worst suffering on earth will be seen to be no more serious than one night in an inconvenient hotel (Earth Quotes)
What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor (Earth Quotes)
The sun is always shining. We have oxygen, trees, birds. There’s so much good things on Earth, still. We haven’t destroyed everything (Earth Quotes)
Every liberal on the campaign trail has a plan to deliver free, socialized medicine, but no country on earth, folks, can possibly pay for every test for everybody without going bankrupt (Earth Quotes)
We are given so few years on this earth, and there are so many good things that get in the way of the best things. We must live for eternity (Earth Quotes)
Every phenomenon on earth is symbolic, and each symbol is an open gate through which the soul, if it is ready, can enter into the inner part of the world, where you and I and day and night are all one (Earth Quotes)
We discover a new world every time we see the earth again after it has been covered for a season with snow (Earth Quotes)
We all like to congregate at boundary conditions. Where land meets water. Where earth meets air. Where bodies meet mind. Where space meets time. We like to be on one side, and look at the other (Earth Quotes)
Too bad you can’t buy a voodoo globe so that you could make the earth spin real fast and freak everybody out (Earth Quotes)
It was not meant that the soul should cultivate the earth, but that the earth should educate and maintain the soul (Earth Quotes)
I am bored with gabbers and their gab; my soul abhors them... Is there any place where there is no traffic in empty talk? Is there on this earth one who does not worship himself talking? (Earth Quotes)
We were placed on earth to fulfil a purpose, and that purpose is what gives meaning to our lives, you were sent to the world to make an impact and make a difference (Earth Quotes)
Man alone of all the creatures of earth can change his own pattern. Man alone is the architect of his own destiny (Earth Quotes)
You were created to add to life on earth, not just take from it. God wants you to give something back (Earth Quotes)
... nothing on earth can stop man from feeling himself born for liberty. Never, whatever may happen, can he accept servitude; for he is a thinking creature (Earth Quotes)
Bless be the ones who serve others. They are the ones who find heaven on earth (Earth Quotes)
The earth, the air, the land and the water are not an inheritance from our fore fathers but on loan from our children. So we have to handover to them at least as it was handed over to us (Earth Quotes)
One life on this earth is all that we get, whether it is enough or not enough, and the obvious conclusion would seem to be that at the very least we are fools if we do not live it as fully and bravely and beautifully as we can (Earth Quotes)
Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance (Earth Quotes)
Huge events take place on this earth every day. Earthquakes, hurricanes, even glaciers move. So why couldn’t he just look at me? (Earth Quotes)
When you are dead, seek for your resting place not in the earth, but in the hearts of men (Earth Quotes)